Voice Massage Therapist,
Manual Vocologist,
Speech Language Pathologist
To produce the sound of your voice from a breath, the nervous system must activate and coordinate healthy muscle tension. Healthy body tension creates efficient structural movement to power the physical processes that generate and shape your voice. When too much tension is held or activated, it can restrict the efficient structural movement of these processes (posture, breath, vocal fold vibration, vocal tract resonance, and speech articulation). This affects voice performance and can eventually cause fatigue, hoarseness, injury, and/or disorder.
Restrictive tension affecting the vocal processes can be held in muscle or connective tissue at rest, created by effortful or inefficient use of any of the vocal processes including breath and body posture, or even activated by your emotional state.
Body And Voice Studio combines the fields of massage therapy, speech-language pathology, and Vocology. Following assessment, we perform manual release of restrictive structural tension affecting the vocal processes. We then evaluate and train efficient structural movement of each vocal process using coaching, manual guidance and exercises. Our mission is to help you release restrictive tension affecting the whole body, return your whole body to a relaxed state, and for you to experience a whole body sensory awareness and muscle memory for unrestricted and efficient voice production. From such a foundation, an expressive voice with control, power, stability, longevity, and quality may be less something you are “looking for” or busy “in your head” coordinating, and more a sensation that you are feeling.